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  • Pls see the attachment of the Testimonial Entry fields.

    I have created a post-type Testimonial. The admin opens a “new” testimonial and enters the info in the ACF fields. This should save it in database.

    Then, I created a bock called Testmonial Grid where the admin can drop it in a page and select the number of testimonials to show and the number per row in the grid. The block redirects to the template testimonial.php in the blocks folder. The template should grab the data from the block and the data that was already entered in the database to render the testimonials on the template.

    The code I shared before won’t show any of the data the was entered in ACF fields. But it will show data that is part of a typical WordPress post like the Title. So, I am gathering the get_field() isn’t grabbing the meta-data that is should and I can’t figure out why.

    I have attached a screenshot of the fields. Thanks for your help.