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  • i don’t know if i did it right, this is the code i managed to do and it works

      if( have_rows('misure_e_prezzi')):
        $rows = get_field('misure_e_prezzi' );
    	$my_fields = get_field_object('misure_e_prezzi');
        $specific_row = $rows[0];
        $first_row_price = $specific_row['prezzo' ];
    	$count = (count($my_fields['value']));
        $valuta = '€ ';
    <div class='prezzo'>
    if ($count ==1)
      echo $valuta .number_format( $first_row_price, 2, ',', ' ');?></div>
    if ($count >1)    
    echo 'A partire da: '?>
    <div class='prezzo'>
     if ($count >1)    
    echo  $valuta  .number_format( $first_row_price, 2, ',', ' ');?></div>