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There is no easy way to do this. I do not know how the current field is saved but the taxonomy field stores values as a taxonomy ID, and categorizing by this I assume you mean you want to assign the terms to posts in the normal WP way. I can only give you an example. I am unable to give you all the code, a lot of what I am going to give you is just what you need to do.
What I am going to give you is a temporary function that you put in functions PHP an run it by loading every page until you get the “completed” message and then you remove it.
add_action('init', 'convert_field_to_terms');
function convert_field_to_terms() {
global $post;
$args = array(
'post_type' = 'your-post-type',
'posts_per_page' => -1, // get all
// get only posts that have not already been updated
'meta_query' => array(
'relation' =. 'OR',
'key' => 'state_update_complete',
'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS'
'key' => 'state_update_complete',
'value' => 0
$query = new WP_Query($args);
if ($query->have_posts()) {
while ($query->have_posts()) {
// this is where you are going to need to figure out the details
// get the ACF field value
// ...
// get the term that matches the ACF value or
// create the term if it does not exists
// using get_term_by or insert_term()
// ...
// use wp_set_object_terms() to add terms to post
// ...
// set a meta value so we don't do this again if we need to run it multiple times
update_post_meta($post->id, 'state_update_complete', '1');
} // end while posts
} // end if posts
// the above loop will time out your site if there are a lot
// of posts that need to be updated
// that means that anything after this point will only happen if
// all posts are updated
die('State Update Has Been Completed');
// once you see the above message you can delete this action
} // end function
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