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  • Hi,
    Tell me if you want me to create a new thread, but this is basically the same question. I have another plugin that saves meta data to a custom post type. When I create a field in ACF with the same key I can see the value in that field, just as expected.
    When I edit the field and save it does not update. What I think happens is that the other plugin hooks in later and update the previous value, from the original text field.

    Is there any way to change the priority of the acf hook?

    I have tried this, to save the new value the then replcade, without any success.

    add_action('acf/save_post', 'my_acf_save_post');
    function my_acf_save_post( $post_id ) {
        $new_value = get_field('profile_subtitle_new', $post_id);
        update_field('profile_subtitle', $new_value, $post_id);
