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  • We figured out that the oemebed functions aren’t cached so we wrote a simple snippet to enable transient cache for oembeds. Possibily not the best solution out there but it works on all our WordPress installations (100+):

    if( !defined('PIX_OEMBED_CACHE_KEY') ) {
                define('PIX_OEMBED_CACHE_KEY', 'pix_oembed_');
            function _wp_custom_oembed_cache_key($url, $args) {
                $args_serialized = serialize($args);
                return PIX_OEMBED_CACHE_KEY . md5("{$url}-{$args_serialized}");
            * This function caches the result
            function pix_cache_wp_oembed_get_function($data, $url, $args) {
                set_transient( _wp_custom_oembed_cache_key($url, $args), $data, 14*DAY_IN_SECONDS);
                return $data;
            add_filter('oembed_result', 'pix_cache_wp_oembed_get_function', 999, 3);
            * This function serves the cached result
            function pix_serve_wp_oembed_get_function($result, $url, $args) {
                if(trim($url) === '') {
                    return '';
                if($cached_result = get_transient(_wp_custom_oembed_cache_key($url, $args))) {
                    return $cached_result;
                return $result;
            add_filter('pre_oembed_result', 'pix_serve_wp_oembed_get_function', 2, 3);

    Feel free to let me know if it works for you!