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  • Ok, so I’ve solved this but not by using meta_query but by sorting the array of events after the query.

    I added a new entry to my events array called “datetime”.

        if( get_field('all_day_event', $event_item->ID) != true ):
          $events[$i]['datetime'] = date_format($start_date, "Y-m-d") . ' ' . get_field('start_time', $event_item->ID);
          $events[$i]['time'] = get_field('start_time', $event_item->ID) . ( get_field('end_time', $event_item->ID) ? ' - ' . get_field('end_time', $event_item->ID) : '' );
          $events[$i]['datetime'] = date_format($start_date, "Y-m-d") . ' 0:00';
          $events[$i]['time'] = null;

    I then sorted the events array by using the below.

      $compare_function = function($a,$b) {
        $a_timestamp = strtotime($a['datetime']); // convert a (string) date/time to a (int) timestamp
        $b_timestamp = strtotime($b['datetime']);
            // new feature in php 7
        return $a_timestamp <=> $b_timestamp;
      usort($events, $compare_function);