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  • Hello, i am struggeling with the repeater field in a gutenberg field. Can some on give me advice of tell me what i am doing wrong? Or is this even possible?

    When i use @if(have_row() etc.. i am not getting the information i want. But i am receiving the information from a else statement.

    I am using sage10 en acf pro.

      Title: SellingPoint
      Description: Selling Points
      Category: formatting
      Icon: table-row-after
      Keywords: sellingpoint quote
      Mode: edit
      Align: left
      PostTypes: page post
      SupportsAlign: left right
      SupportsMode: false
      SupportsMultiple: false
      EnqueueStyle: styles/style.css
      EnqueueScript: scripts/script.js
      EnqueueAssets: path/to/asset
      $title = get_sub_field('title');
      $subtext = get_sub_field('subtext');
      $sellingpoint = get_field('sellingpoint');
    <section class="sellingpoint">
      <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
          @if (have_rows('sellingpoint'))
            @while(have_rows('sellingpoint')) @php (the_row());
              {!! $subtext !!}
          @else test
    add_action('acf/init', 'my_acf_init');
    function my_acf_init() {
    	// check function exists
    	if( function_exists('acf_register_block') ) {
    			'name'				=> 'sellingpoint',
    			'title'				=> __('Sellingpoint'),
    			'description'		=> __('A custom sellingpoint block.'),
    			'render_callback'	=> 'my_acf_block_render_callback',
    			'category'			=> 'formatting',
    			'icon'				=> 'table-row-after',
    			'keywords'			=> array( 'Sellingpoint', 'selling', 'point' ),