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  • I’m working on a relaunch of my old website. In the old website I read the data โ€‹โ€‹of the people with SQL directly from a mysql database (with a cache plugin). Here’s an example of a similar query, I did in the old website, to output 4 persons at the end of the page:

    SELECT id, name, image, birthday, url, imageurl, license, author FROM Persons WHERE Day(birthday) = '{$birthday}' AND Month(birthday) = '{$month}' AND id != '{$id}' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 4

    The charging time is only 0.007 seconds (!) in contrast to over 1 second, when I do the query with get_posts and custom fields as shown above.

    I can’t understand this, what am I doing wrong ๐Ÿ™