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  • ok, so i have managed to get an accordion to display in my page editor, but not sure if this will close the accordion properly? and how to display this in my page builder php properly?

    json for accordion:

                            "key": "561538dcw4334t",
                            "name": "accordion_row",
                            "label": "Accordion Row",
                            "display": "block",
                            "sub_fields": [
    								"key": "field_5f90caa048f59",
    								"label": "accordion-open",
    								"name": "",
    								"type": "accordion",
    								"instructions": "",
    								"required": 0,
    								"conditional_logic": 0,
    								"wrapper": {
    									"width": "",
    									"class": "",
    									"id": ""
    								"open": 0,
    								"multi_expand": 0,
    								"endpoint": 0
    								"key": "field_5f95e677d32d0",
    								"label": "Accordion Title",
    								"name": "accordion_title",
    								"type": "text",
    								"instructions": "",
    								"required": 0,
    								"conditional_logic": 0,
    								"wrapper": {
    									"width": "",
    									"class": "",
    									"id": ""
    								"default_value": "",
    								"placeholder": "",
    								"prepend": "",
    								"append": "",
    								"maxlength": ""
    								"key": "field_5f95e686d32d1",
    								"label": "Accordion Content",
    								"name": "accordion_content",
    								"type": "wysiwyg",
    								"instructions": "",
    								"required": 0,
    								"conditional_logic": 0,
    								"wrapper": {
    									"width": "",
    									"class": "",
    									"id": ""
    								"default_value": "",
    								"tabs": "all",
    								"toolbar": "full",
    								"media_upload": 1,
    								"delay": 0
    								"key": "field_5f90cab348f5a",
    								"label": "accordion-end",
    								"name": "",
    								"type": "accordion",
    								"instructions": "",
    								"required": 0,
    								"conditional_logic": 0,
    								"wrapper": {
    									"width": "",
    									"class": "",
    									"id": ""
    								"open": 0,
    								"multi_expand": 0,
    								"endpoint": 1
                            "min": "",
                            "max": ""

    PHP in page builder plugin to display the accordion:

    	private function getSection_accordion() {
    		$blocks = get_sub_field('accordion_row');
    		$html = '';
    		if( count($blocks) > 0 ) :
    	        foreach($blocks as $block) {
    	            $html .= '<div class"accordion-title">';
    	                $html .= $block['accordion-title'];
    	            $html .= '</div>';
    				$html .= '<div class"accordion-content">';
    	                $html .= $block['accordion_content'];
    	            $html .= '</div>';
    		return $html;