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  • For me, the problem was that the JSON file that I was trying to import had a comma where there wasn’t suppose to be. Specifically it was on the last line of the location array. Here’s an example, notice here that there is a comma at the end of the “value” line:

    "location": [
             "param": "post_template",
             "operator": "==",
             "value": "components\/logo-heading-cta.php",

    When I removed that comma, like this:

    "location": [
             "param": "post_template",
             "operator": "==",
             "value": "components\/logo-heading-cta.php"

    Then the JSON file imported without any problem. I noticed this because my text editor showed that the comma there was a syntax error. It seems JSON is specific about not having a comma after the last item in an array.

    Maybe this will be the solution for anyone else trying to find an answer to this problem.