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  • Finally, I’ve managed to fix this myself.

    As I’ve set the form option to false, I had to manually process the ACF fields (by checking the post variables) and update the field values using the ACF function update_field.


    if ( !empty( $_POST['acf']['field_5ecb0c4663b4r'] ) ) {
        $mood = $_POST['acf']['field_5ecb0c4663b4r'];
        update_field( 'field_5ecb0c4663bf7', $mood, $post_id );

    wp_ajax_fes_submit_submission_form and wp_ajax_nopriv_fes_submit_submission_form are the hooks that handles Easy Digital Downloads – Frontend Submissions add-on‘s form submission process.

    I hope this will help someone looking for a similar solution.