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  • Thank you John.

    You are correct, there is no loop, I am not even using the only page it exist. I am adding directly my code to the index.php of my template and the content should be added using the custom post types.

    Enabling ACF in the page itself I can use:

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <?php $website_url = get_field('website_url') ?>
    //and then
    <?php echo $website_url ['title']; ?>
    //to display the link title wherever I want.
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    That works only if ACF is enabled in the page itself and adding the content in the page itself as well, which I don’t want.

    I need to add every single content in their respective custom post type. (Slide)

    How should I call all the custom post types that exist so I can use them in my template?

    That is what is not clear to me and it’s driving me crazy.

    As I have “website_url” under the Links Custom type, I have another 300 different ones under the 10 slides custom post types. One for each specific photo, title, subtitle, link etc… in each slide custom post type.

    So I can be very specific to where I want to show each one of them.

    Can you please share a real example of how can I do this?

    Imagine 10 divs and the way to show exactly whatever custom field you want from the 10 custom post types inside them.

    <div class="one"><?php the_field('slide_01_title'); ?></div>
    <div class="two"><?php the_field('slide_01_photo_01'); ?></div>
    <div class="three"><?php the_field('slide_04_subtitle'); ?></div>
    <div class="four"><?php the_field('slide_08_title'); ?></div>
    <div class="five"><?php the_field('slide_06_photo_03'); ?></div>
    <div class="six"><?php the_field('slide_06_photo_02'); ?></div>
    <div class="seven"><?php the_field('slide_03_subtitle'); ?></div>
    <div class="eight"><?php the_field('slide_02_photo_01'); ?></div>
    <div class="nine"><?php the_field('slide_07_photo_01'); ?></div>
    <div class="ten"><?php the_field('slide_02_photo_03'); ?></div>

    So I can add exactly the information I need to each div, no matter from which custom post type comes. (10 Slides)

    The code to make it work is what I am not able to create.
