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  • I’ve had the same issue and have created a class if you have multiple post types with fields that you want to appear on whether a term is selected or not.

    * Class for hiding an acf field based on if a term is selected.
    * Developer: Brad Goddard
    * Website:
    * @package LucidDigital

    class Hide_acf_fields_conditional_term {

    public $post_type_slug;
    public $term_id;
    public $field_class;

    public function __construct( $post_type_slug, $term_id, $field_class ) {
    $this->set_post_type_slug( $post_type_slug );
    $this->set_term_id( $term_id );
    $this->set_field_class( $field_class );
    add_action( ‘acf/input/admin_head’, [$this, ‘my_acf_admin_head’] );

    * @return mixed
    public function get_post_type_slug() {
    return $this->post_type_slug;

    * @param mixed $post_type_slug
    public function set_post_type_slug( $post_type_slug ) {
    $this->post_type_slug = $post_type_slug;

    * @return mixed
    public function get_term_id() {
    return $this->term_id;

    * @param mixed $term_id
    public function set_term_id( $term_id ) {
    $this->term_id = $term_id;

    * @return mixed
    public function get_field_class() {
    return $this->field_class;

    * @param mixed $field_class
    public function set_field_class( $field_class ) {
    $this->field_class = $field_class;

    function my_acf_admin_head() {
    global $post_type;
    if ( $this->get_post_type_slug() === $post_type ) :
    // Gets taxonomy term from $this->get_post_type_slug().
    $taxonomy = get_object_taxonomies($this->get_post_type_slug());
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    (function ($) {
    acf.add_action(‘ready’, function ($el) {
    // Container for the sub title field.
    var container = $(‘.’ + ‘<?php echo $this->field_class; ?>’);
    // Featured checkbox.
    var $field = $(‘#’ + ‘<?php echo $taxonomy[0]; ?>’ + ‘div input’);
    // The checkbox relative to $this->get_term_id().
    var checkbox = $(‘#in-‘ + ‘<?php echo $taxonomy[0]; ?>’ + ‘-‘ + ‘<?php echo $this->get_term_id(); ?>’);
    // If $this->get_term_id() term is already selected then show the $this->field_class field.
    if ($(checkbox).is(‘:checked’)) {
    // Click function to show and hide the $this->field_class field.
    $field.on(‘click’, function (evt) {
    if ($(checkbox).is(‘:checked’)) {
    } else {
    <?php endif;

    new Hide_acf_fields_conditional_term( [post-type-slug], [term-id], [acf-field-container-class] );`