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  • Hey, how can I solve following situation. I have spent hours of looking for an easy way.

    I have defined variables for acf-fields and acf-subfields. That works quite nice and I don’t need to use the loop of »if have rows … the row … etc«. For me that helps to keep the acf-fields clearly arranged across the different pages.

    How to use the »$image« variable from top instead of »get_sub_field(‘subfield’)« in the image-tag »awesome_acf_responsive_image« function which doesn’t work since I don’t have the loop for using »get_sub_field«?

      $field = get_field('header-work');
      $image = $field['image']; //acf-image-field is set to return id
      <div class="image">
        <img class="img-fluid" <?php awesome_acf_responsive_image(get_sub_field( 'subfield' ),'thumb-640','2560px'); ?>>

    Here is the link to the function

    Thanks alot for your help!