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  • @wassy83 You are amazing man, using the hook is way easier and works perfectly.
    I even followed your steps and made one for the CountDown timer:

    //populate divi countdown timer  with ACF date&time
    add_filter('et_pb_module_shortcode_attributes', 'cd_divi_acf', 20, 3);
    function cd_divi_acf($cd_props, $cd_atts, $cd_slug) {
    	$cd_module_slugs = array('et_pb_countdown_timer');
    	if (!in_array($cd_slug, $cd_module_slugs)) {
    		return $cd_props;
    	if ( 'players' == get_post_type() ) {
    	$cd_props['date_time'] = get_field('date&time', false, false);
    		return $cd_props;
    	else return $cd_props;

    Thanks again.