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  • Sorry… I misinterpreted the “beaker” icon on your avatar and assumed you were an ACF representative.

    A little more detail for what it’s worth…

    This is my first commercial plugin; I mostly do client work, although I do have about a dozen free plugins in the WP Plugin Directory.

    I have to include ACF PRO in this plugin, at least at this point, because I have a custom post type with a bunch of custom fields, and building my own admin editing screens for those, vs. just including ACF PRO, was going to be prohibitively time-consuming. I don’t really like the idea of embedding another plugin in mine (as much as I like ACF!), but I verified my use of it conforms to ACF’s licensing requirements.

    I can’t really ask people who are buying my plugin to also buy another plugin in order to actually use it. Like I said… not my ideal arrangement but it will have to do for 1.0. If this thing really takes off and I can invest more time in it, I’ll probably build my own custom admin screens and remove ACF PRO from it.