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  • I managed to solve it and am posting for future readers. The issue was that I was focusing on the wrong variable. I was trying to loop through the subfield value but it was already being looped and calculated to a different variable.

    if( have_rows('packaging_sessions') ): ?>
      <caption>Packaging Sessions
          <th>Quantity × Capacity
        $total_finished_packages = 0;
        while( have_rows('packaging_sessions') ): the_row();
        // vars
        $packaging_capacity = get_sub_field('packaging_capacity'); // The select subfield in the repeater (size)
        $package_capacity_value = esc_attr($packaging_capacity['value']); // The select field's values
        $package_capacity_label = esc_html($packaging_capacity['label']); // The select field's labels
        $packaging_quantity = get_sub_field('packaging_quantity'); // The quantity of packaged units
        $finished_package = $packaging_quantity * ($package_capacity_value * .001); // The quantity x size
          <td><!-- Quantity & Capacity -->
            <?php echo (int)$packaging_quantity . " × " . $package_capacity_label ?>
          <td><!-- Volume -->
            <?php echo  $finished_package; ?>
        // Iterate through the capacities and quantities
        $total_finished_packages += $packaging_capacity * $packaging_quantity ;
      <?php endwhile; ?>
    <!-- Sum volume of all package combinations -->
    <?php echo 'Total packaged volume is ' . $total_finished_packages ; ?>