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  • Hi,

    I know this is a old post but, did you find a solution ?
    I have exactly the same problem and I don’t know how to fix it.

    I know that we can’t do an order by on a repeater field, but . Im looking for how to do a meta query on a repeater field.

    There is my code :

    $args = array(
    							'post_type' => 'product',
    							'post_status' =>  'publish',
    							'meta_query'	=> array(
    								'relation'		=> 'OR',
    									'key'		=> 'date_formation_$_date_session',
    									'value'		=> '20191108',
    									'type' 		=> 'DATE',
    									'compare'	=> '='
    									'key'		=> 'date_formation_$_date_session',
    									'value'		=> '20191208',
    									'type' 		=> 'DATE',
    									'compare'	=> '='