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  • The problem continues for me as well. I have added those filters mentioned by briandoh, and I have tried different priorities and replacing esc_html__() with __(), but nothing is being translated. Could the reason be, that I’m trying to do this within a plugin?

    This is my code for loading the translation:

     * Load translations
    add_action('plugins_loaded', 'sg_slide_in_load_plugin_textdomain'); 
    function sg_slide_in_load_plugin_textdomain() {
        load_plugin_textdomain('sg-slide-ins', FALSE, basename(dirname( __FILE__ )) . '/languages/');
    add_filter('acf/settings/l10n', 'sg_slide_in_acf_settings_localization');
    function sg_slide_in_acf_settings_localization($localization){
    	return true;
    add_filter('acf/settings/l10n_textdomain', 'sg_slide_in_acf_settings_textdomain');
    function sg_slide_in_acf_settings_textdomain($domain){
    	return 'sg-slide-ins';