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  • hi @ll 🙂
    I have the same issue now, I test it with the testimonial

    The custom-blocks for enter some content are not displayed, only the area of testimonial, but no fields to enter the content. I use WordPress 5.2.4 / Theme Twenty Seventeen. I tried the latest ACF PRO version and version 5.8.0-beta4.1 – Unfortunately without success.

    I’ve also seen the problem in GitHub, where Elliot wrote a solution.
    Unfortunately there is no path in the current WordPress version anymore, I can’t find the “includes/gutenberg/assets/js/acf-blocks.js”.

    – can you give mne your code-solution?

    does anyone still have any idea why the custom blocks aren’t displayed?
    Is it a ThemeProblem or Gutenberg?
    Thank you in advance for your help!