

Home Forums Gutenberg ACF 5.8 – Parse Gutenberg blocks and get ACF data outside of post Reply To: ACF 5.8 – Parse Gutenberg blocks and get ACF data outside of post

  • Are you looking for something like this? The below would give you the data of each block item on the page and you can filter through them based on blockName or other information to target only ACF blocks.

    if ( function_exists( 'get_field' ) ) {
    	$pid = get_post();
    	if ( has_blocks( $pid_content ) ) {
    		$blocks = parse_blocks( $pid->post_content );
    		foreach ( $blocks as $block ) {
    			var_dump( $block );	

    Keep in mind if you’re using reusable blocks the information isn’t included and only the ref ID is. I’m currently trying to get the ACF data from a ref ID so I can limit something in my footer from displaying unless the block exists on the page.