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  • Hi John,

    Thank you for your considered feedback. It’s always good to hear others’ opinions as we all know it’s very easy to get tunnel vision and end up down rabbit holes in the world of dev.

    I absolutely agree that page load times are critical. My ultimate goal was to generate these stylesheets and then concatenate them into a single one to reduce http requests. However, inline or stylesheet blocks would clearly still be quicker.

    My worry about placing stye tags throughout the document (not just in the head) would be flashes of unstyled content before the DOM has fully loaded. Though I guess it depends what those style tags are targeting as to whether it’s worth the tradeoff.

    I think for now I might have to settle on header style blocks as this seems a happy medium and I think you’re right, me in 6 months will look back and probably hate now now for trying to be too clever!

    Thanks John