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  • I also had this problem, I found the answer to be in the included javascript of the repeater field (acf-repeater/js/input.js).

    At the end of input.js there is this part:

    $(document).on('mouseenter', '.repeater tr.row', function( e ){
    		// vars
    		var $el = $(this).find('> td.remove > a.acf-button-add'),
    			margin = ( $el.parent().height() / 2 ) + 9; // 9 = padding + border
    		// css
    		$el.css('margin-top', '-' + margin + 'px' );
    	$(document).on('acf/conditional_logic/show acf/conditional_logic/hide', function( e, $target, item ){
    		// Makes shit crappy slow

    Just comment it out, and everything is fast again.