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  • HI.
    I solve a similar problem, only with tags.
    I searched for a solution for almost 2 hours (I didn’t find it), I didn’t find any examples, but I managed to solve my problem myself!
    If it helps:
    is_main_tag – field name
    product_tag_ – suffix (described at the bottom of the page
    $post_id = false; // current post
    $post_id = 1; // post ID = 1
    $post_id = “user_2”; // user ID = 2
    $post_id = “category_3”; // category term ID = 3
    By analogy, he suggested and tried his type (woocommerce) of taxonomy and helped!

    $ value = get_field (“is_main_tag”, ‘product_tag _’. $ id);

    In your case, it will most likely help:
    $ value = get_field (“name_of_your_field”, ‘product_cat_’. $ id);

    I hope this helps you!
    Good luck colleague!