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  • You are attempting to enqueue the scripts after page output has started. Also, since acf_form_head() is not called that I can see acf is unable to process anything that is submitted. Calling acf_form_head() before output starts would do the enqueuing that you are attempting to do yourself. It is impossible to make acf_form() work without acf_form_head() and this must be called before any html output has started.

    I would try the following, it’s just rough and I don’t know if it will work. You need to call acf_form_head() at a point that get_current_screen() is available

    add_action('admin_init', 'my_admin_acf_form_head', 20);
    function my_admin_acf_form_head() {
      $screen = get_curretn_screen();
      if ($screen->id == 'your screen id') {