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  • Hey man!

    Sorry if I did not understand your question correctly.

    But the “add_action” you are using in this code is only for the posts query (like filtering CPTS when they appear on your website frontend).

    To update permalinks you need some +/- like this:

    function vv_cpt_acf_permalink($post_link, $post = 0)
    	if ($post->post_type === 'fahrten') {
                    $post_id = {query_of_post_by_slug};
                    $field_value = get_field("fahrt_id",$post_id);
    		return $post_link . '/?tour_id='.$field_value);
    	} else {
    		return $post_link;
    add_filter('post_type_link', 'vv_cpt_acf_permalink', 1, 3);