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  • HI @James

    Thank you for you reply.

    I’ve changed the syntax and also updated to acf/save_post. All still being saved correctly and the new posts created, but I still can’t get the title set.

    Here’s how I’m trying to fetch it:

    $cpt_title = get_field('name', $post_id);
        // Create a new post
        $post = array(
            'post_status'   => 'publish',
            'post_type'     => 'my_custom_post',
            'post_title'    => $cpt_title,
            'post_name'   => wp_unique_post_slug( sanitize_title( $cpt_title ) ),
            'post_author' => $current_user->ID,

    But it doesn’t set the title and understandably the slug.