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  • Figured it out!

    There’s a section of assets/js/acf_input.js that interfaces with the WordPress media library. Unfortunately it specifically targets the image field type. I ended up copying a big lump of javascript and changing the type identifier… here’s the code that I copied, notice that I just changed the ‘type’ parameter and it all worked.

    I’m sure there must be an easier way to reuse this… I assume some field authors have figured out a way to include a media picker in a more subtle way. I reckon this page would be helpful if I had time to investigate

    (function($, undefined){
    	var Field = acf.Field.extend({
    		type: 'my_new_field',
    		$control: function(){
    			return this.$('.acf-image-uploader');
    		$input: function(){
    			return this.$('input[type="hidden"]');
    		events: {
    			'click a[data-name="add"]': 	'onClickAdd',
    			'click a[data-name="edit"]': 	'onClickEdit',
    			'click a[data-name="remove"]':	'onClickRemove',
    			'change input[type="file"]':	'onChange'
    		initialize: function(){
    			// add attribute to form
    			if( this.get('uploader') === 'basic' ) {
    				this.$el.closest('form').attr('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
    		validateAttachment: function( attachment ){
    			// defaults
    			attachment = attachment || {};
    			// WP attachment
    			if( !== undefined ) {
    				attachment = attachment.attributes;
    			// args
    			attachment = acf.parseArgs(attachment, {
    				url: '',
    				alt: '',
    				title: '',
    				caption: '',
    				description: '',
    				width: 0,
    				height: 0
    			// preview size
    			var url = acf.isget(attachment, 'sizes', this.get('preview_size'), 'url');
    			if( url !== null ) {
    				attachment.url = url;
    			// return
    			return attachment;
    		render: function( attachment ){
    			// vars
    			attachment = this.validateAttachment( attachment );
    			// update image
    			 	src: attachment.url,
    			 	alt: attachment.alt,
    			 	title: attachment.title
    			// vars
    			var val = || '';
    			// update val
    			this.val( val );
    		 	// update class
    		 	if( val ) {
    		 	} else {
    		// create a new repeater row and render value
    		append: function( attachment, parent ){
    			// create function to find next available field within parent
    			var getNext = function( field, parent ){
    				// find existing file fields within parent
    				var fields = acf.getFields({
    					key: 	field.get('key'),
    					parent: parent.$el
    				// find the first field with no value
    				for( var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ) {
    					if( !fields[i].val() ) {
    						return fields[i];
    				// return
    				return false;
    			// find existing file fields within parent
    			var field = getNext( this, parent );
    			// add new row if no available field
    			if( !field ) {
    				field = getNext( this, parent );
    			// render
    			if( field ) {
    				field.render( attachment );
    		selectAttachment: function(){
    			// vars
    			var parent = this.parent();
    			var multiple = (parent && parent.get('type') === 'repeater');
    			// new frame
    			var frame = acf.newMediaPopup({
    				mode:			'select',
    				type:			'image',
    				title:			acf.__('Select Image'),
    				field:			this.get('key'),
    				multiple:		multiple,
    				library:		this.get('library'),
    				allowedTypes:	this.get('mime_types'),
    				select:			$.proxy(function( attachment, i ) {
    					if( i > 0 ) {
    						this.append( attachment, parent );
    					} else {
    						this.render( attachment );
    				}, this)
    		editAttachment: function(){
    			// vars
    			var val = this.val();
    			// bail early if no val
    			if( !val ) return;
    			// popup
    			var frame = acf.newMediaPopup({
    				mode:		'edit',
    				title:		acf.__('Edit Image'),
    				button:		acf.__('Update Image'),
    				attachment:	val,
    				field:		this.get('key'),
    				select:		$.proxy(function( attachment, i ) {
    					this.render( attachment );
    				}, this)
    		removeAttachment: function(){
    	        this.render( false );
    		onClickAdd: function( e, $el ){
    		onClickEdit: function( e, $el ){
    		onClickRemove: function( e, $el ){
    		onChange: function( e, $el ){
    			var $hiddenInput = this.$input();
    			acf.getFileInputData($el, function( data ){
    				$hiddenInput.val( $.param(data) );
    	acf.registerFieldType( Field );