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  • Hi,

    I’m not sure how you went with this, but I am trying to add some ACF fields to the Single Products Page in Woocommerce. I was hoping to use the hooks that woocommerce provides to add the custom fields stuff, but I can’t seem to get the fields to output anything.

    in my functions.php I have added an action like so:

    // Add ACF Info to Product display page
    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', "ACF_product_content", 10 );
    function ACF_product_content(){
      echo '<h2> ACF Content </h2>';
      if (function_exists('the_field')){
        echo '<p>Woohoo, the_field function exists! </p>';

    The h2 and the p are displayed, but the field itself doesn’t get rendered. Any thoughts?
