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  • I tried this, but no luck. There are 12 $values.

    $noImpact = new WP_Query( 
                                    'numberposts'  => 12,
                                    'post_type'    => 'values',
                                    'post__not_in' => array($impact_IDs_comma)
                            while ($noImpact->have_posts()) : $noImpact->the_post(); ?>
                            <h4><strong><a href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>" class="text-disabled">
                            <i class="fui-check-inverted text-disabled"></i> 
                            <?php the_title(); ?></a></strong></h4> 

    My list of $values post_objects of $strategies is 7 items long. The list that should only contain unrelated $values is 10 items long, which I don’t understand. I thought it would either be 5 items (good) or 12 (bad) but not 10 (weird).