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  • Thanks for the response Elliot but unfortunately selecting “post” does not give me access to the actual individual products themselve – these are not appearing.

    Are they suppose to Elliot b/c from what I can see, you are not classifying Woocommerce (individual) products as a post – is this correct?

    Selecting post in the location rules only displays actual posts within the “Post” menu option in WordPress and that’s it.

    At the moment within the Products section of Woocommerce, I have two products, Product A and Product B – it is these I am trying to access, inorder to place specific field groups against them.

    If I look within the wp_posts table, I can see my two products

    where post_type = 'product'

    what I need in addition are access to the columns post_name or post_title, as these will give me access to a specific product but I am not able to get to these via ACF location rules.

    Any further ideas/workarounds Elliot would be much appreciated as I only want specific custom field groups against a specific product, i.e. Product A.

    Thanks again.