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  • It was true originally, but I tested it with false and pasted here the latest code.

    Even when set to true, I still can’t get it working.

    $options = array(
    post_id' => $post->ID,
    'field_groups' => array(),
    'form' => true,
    'form_attributes' => array(
       'id' => 'spot',
       'class' => '',
       'action' => '',
       'method' => 'post',
    'return' => add_query_arg( 'updated', 'true', get_permalink() ),
    'html_before_fields' => '',
    'html_after_fields' => '',
    'submit_value' => 'Update',
    'updated_message' => 'Post updated.'
    acf_form( $options ); 