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Taxonomy strategy

  • I’ve got an interesting problem to try to solve, and I was wondering if anyone has any bright ideas!

    I have a post type called rooms and an associated taxonomy called features. Each room is assigned a term based on whether that feature is ‘included’ or ‘optional’. For example ‘Room A’ has an included Whiteboard and Projector Screen, but optional Projector, but ‘Room B’ has all three as optional.

    Option 1
    Have a hierarchical taxonomy called features and each ‘feature’ would have two children – ‘included’ and ‘optional’. The pros are that everything is kept in a single taxonomy. The cons are that the ACF multiselect UI quickly becomes confusing because it doesn’t differentiate between Whiteboard as a child of ‘Included’ and Whiteboard as a child of ‘Optional’

    Option 2
    As above, a hierarchical taxonomy, but the parent terms are each feature – ‘Whiteboard’, ‘Projector’ with every term having ‘Optional’ and ‘Included’ as children. The pros are the same – everything in one taxonomy. The cons though are worse, because not only is the multiselect UI just a list of ‘Optional’, ‘Optional’, ‘Optional’, ‘Included’ – i.e. not showing the parent term – but WordPress seems to create the slug for each item based on the order that they are added to the system, leading to inconsistencies.

    Option 3 – nuclear
    Two completely separate taxonomies, which I need to figure out a way to keep in sync. This has many pros, but the con of managing them isn’t ideal.

    Option 1 would have been more feasible if I could filter the ACF taxonomy field by term and have two separate fields for ‘Optional’ and ‘Included’, but at this stage I’m duplicating each term anyway, so I’m only a hop away from two distinct taxonomies.

    So, in summary, does anyone know the way to Scarborough Fair?

    But also, is there a way to sync the terms in two separate taxonomies?


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