After successfully building dynamic profile pages, after the fact, I am trying to add a vCard generated dynamically from each Personnel Profiles. Everything is working with exception of rendering the address.
The address is drawn from fields on a post_object related to the personnel profile. I am able to render them in the actual profile page but not able to figure the code to render then in the vCard function.
The code below does render the post_object id (ex. value post_id- 591) but I have not been able to add my ACF Pro custom fields from the post_object as they are in each post, EX:
if( isset($_GET['vcard']) ) {
global $post;
$custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);
header('Content-type: text/x-vcard; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"');
echo "BEGIN:VCARD\n";
echo "VERSION:2.1\n";
echo 'N:'.$custom["LastName"][0]. ',' .$custom["FirstName"][0]."\n";
echo 'FN:' .$custom["FirstName"][0] .' '.$custom["middle"][0] .' '.$custom["LastName"][0]."\n";
echo "ORG:Brock and Scott PLLC\n";
echo 'TITLE:'.$custom["job_title"][0]."\n";
echo 'TEL;WORK;VOICE:'.$custom["Phone"][0]."\n";
echo 'EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:'.$custom["Email"][0]."\n";
echo 'ADR;PREF;WORK:'.$custom["location"][0]."\n";
/// etc for each field
echo "END:VCARD\n";
get_header(); ?>
Each of the other fields are also ACF custom fields from the profile loop and are simply echo’d as above. Is there a way to add these sub fields from the post_object in the vCard code.
I’m sorry this was not a good description.
I need the Address field(s).
In each profile page, all the correctly rendering fields; Name, Company Name, Title, email and Phone number are pulled directly from personnel post type custom fields. However, The address fields are brought in from a post_object in a Custom Post Type of Locations. In the loop that looks like:
<?php $field_name = "location";
$field = get_field_object($field_name);
echo $field['label']; ?>:</h5>
<?php $post_object = get_field('location');
if( $post_object ):
// override $post
$post = $post_object;
setup_postdata( $post ); ?>
<p><?php the_field('street_address'); ?><br>
<?php the_field('suite_office'); ?><br>
<?php the_field('city'); ?>, <?php the_field('state'); ?><?php the_field('zip_code'); ?>
I having trouble getting ; street_address, suite_office, city and state to render in the vCard.
To be specific, I don’t know how to render the post object and related subfields into the vCard ‘echo’ statement. Does that make more sense?
I don’t quite know what the vcard syntax is, but you cn find that somewhere else.
Looking at your code, I would do it as follows:
$field = get_field_object("location");
echo "<h5>" . $field['label'] . "</h5>";
$post_object = get_field('location');
if ( $post_object ) :
<p><?php the_field('street_address', $post_object->ID); ?><br>
<?php the_field('suite_office', $post_object->ID); ?><br>
<?php the_field('city', $post_object->ID); ?>, <?php the_field('state', $post_object->ID); ?><?php the_field('zip_code', $post_object->ID); ?>
Im trying to do like this but how do I write the code for download the vCard file?
I want to generate a vCard from ACF fields and then make it possible to download the vcard.
What is not connected to ACF with this subject you mean? If you don’t want to help then please do not write.
As you can see I have already offered help to the person who created the thread but a Vcard is NOT an ACF feature.
And the OP already posted the format, so you’re not reading the topic.
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