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  • To test I commented out the loop and if check, so my code was:

    function tgmembership_modify_acf_field_on_load( $field ) {
    	// get plugin settings
    	$options = get_option( 'tgmembership_options' );
    	// get names of fields that should be read-only
    	$readonly_fields = array_map('trim', explode(",", $options["acf_readonly"]));
    	// loop each readonly slug and set the disabled flag on those fields
    	//foreach ($readonly_fields as $name) {
    		//if ($field["name"] == $name) {
    			$field['disabled'] = 1;
    	//	}
    	// return the field
    	return $field;
    add_filter('acf/load_field', 'tgmembership_modify_acf_field_on_load', 16);

    It boils down to being the same as your test. It still left the fields enabled. I set Xdebug breakpoints on the $field['disabled'] = 1; and return $field; lines. These let me verify that indeed disabled was getting set to 1. Yet still the fields are enabled on the User Profile page. I believe you that your test disabled the fields. I just don’t understand why the same isn’t happening in my code…