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Print field values on user-edit.php (User Profile Page)

  • Is there a way to show custom field values on a User’s profile/edit page? I have some ACF Pro fields (addresses) that are filled in on a custom post type “Locations” that are associated with users and I would like to be able to show the Locations a user is associated with on their profile page. Is this possible, and, if so, how?

  • Check out this tutorial about adding custom meta boxes to user profile pages. These custom meta boxes to not need to contain any actual fields and could just be html/text that shows additional information (skip the part about saving values).

  • Thanks for the help, John. Unfortunately, that tutorial doesn’t address how I would display the custom field values on the User Profile page. Any ideas for that? I’ve Googled and searched through the forums here for all possible keywords I could think of without success.

  • You would show the fields in the same way you’d show acf fields anywhere else. You just need to supply the correct post ID when using get_field() or the_field().

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