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Hi there…
I’m trying to create a php loop that cheecks if rows exist and if they do not display text such as ‘Sorry no rows’. My repeater is nested, meaning a repeater inside a repeater.
Thanks in advance!
Here’s the code I have thats not working…
<?php if( have_rows('add_career_opportunities', 'option') ): ?>
<div id="career-single">
<?php while( have_rows('add_career_opportunities', 'option') ): the_row();
$title = get_sub_field('job_title');
$description = get_sub_field('job_description', 'option'); ?>
<h2 id="job-title">
<?php echo $title; ?>
<p id="job-description">
<?php echo $description; ?>
<h3 id="job-requirements-heading">
<?php if( have_rows('job_requirements', 'option')): ?>
<ul id="job-requirements">
<?php while( have_rows('job_requirements', 'option') ): the_row();
$requirement = get_sub_field('job_requirement', 'option'); ?>
<?php echo $requirement; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php else:
echo '<h1>Sorry, we are not currently hiring. Please check back often for new opportunities with DesRosiers Architects!</h1>';
endif; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Hi @robertrhu
I have just tried a simplified version of a similar repeater loop and the if else conditional seems to work as expected.
Would you mind sharing a JSON export of your field settings so that I can test this out using the same configuration?
Hi James,
Thank you for the response.
Here you go…
"key": "group_58ad31aed23da",
"title": "Employee Profiles",
"fields": [
"key": "field_58ad329495dc4",
"label": "Add A Profile",
"name": "add_profile",
"type": "repeater",
"instructions": "Add a new employee profile here",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"collapsed": "field_58ad333095dc6",
"min": 0,
"max": 0,
"layout": "block",
"button_label": "Create New Employee Profile",
"sub_fields": [
"key": "field_58ad330995dc5",
"label": "Employee Photo",
"name": "employee_photo",
"type": "image",
"instructions": "Upload a photo for this employee profile here",
"required": 1,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"return_format": "url",
"preview_size": "thumbnail",
"library": "all",
"min_width": "",
"min_height": "",
"min_size": "",
"max_width": "",
"max_height": "",
"max_size": "",
"mime_types": ""
"key": "field_58c5abab581e3",
"label": "Employee Photo Alt Text",
"name": "employee_photo_alt",
"type": "text",
"instructions": "Add image alt text for this profile image",
"required": 1,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"default_value": "",
"placeholder": "",
"prepend": "",
"append": "",
"maxlength": ""
"key": "field_58ad333095dc6",
"label": "Employee Name",
"name": "employee_name",
"type": "text",
"instructions": "Enter the employee's name here",
"required": 1,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"default_value": "",
"placeholder": "i.e. John Doe",
"prepend": "",
"append": "",
"maxlength": ""
"key": "field_58ad33cc95dc7",
"label": "Job Title",
"name": "job_title",
"type": "text",
"instructions": "Enter the job title for this employee here",
"required": 1,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"default_value": "",
"placeholder": "i.e Architect",
"prepend": "",
"append": "",
"maxlength": ""
"key": "field_58ad340895dc8",
"label": "Bio",
"name": "employee_bio",
"type": "textarea",
"instructions": "Enter a short bio for this employee here",
"required": 0,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"default_value": "",
"placeholder": "",
"maxlength": "",
"rows": "",
"new_lines": ""
"key": "field_58c5a9d2b1522",
"label": "Profile Slug",
"name": "profile_slug",
"type": "text",
"instructions": "Enter a link slug for this profile here. This must be all lower-case with no spaces.",
"required": 1,
"conditional_logic": 0,
"wrapper": {
"width": "",
"class": "",
"id": ""
"default_value": "",
"placeholder": "i.e. louisdesrosiers",
"prepend": "",
"append": "",
"maxlength": ""
"location": [
"param": "options_page",
"operator": "==",
"value": "employee-profiles"
"menu_order": 0,
"position": "normal",
"style": "default",
"label_placement": "top",
"instruction_placement": "label",
"hide_on_screen": "",
"active": 1,
"description": ""
And a little additional info…
1. Its not kicking an error
2.Rather its simply not printing the <?php else code:
<h1>Sorry, we are not currently hiring. Please check back often for new opportunities with DesRosiers Architects!</h1>
Hi @robertrhu ,
That is quite odd.
Kindly share submit a ticket at [email protected]
for some personalised support.
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