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Field Groups saves as JSON keep loosing track of fields

  • I’ve been noticing this issue going for a while, was hoping that it was a temporary glitch but after a few releases, this is still happening to me on a daily basis when working on field groups stored as JSON.

    What happens is that the fields in the post editor doesn’t match what we see on the edit field group screen. The former is the correct version but once we make any change to the group then it all brake down. The JSON will delete multiple fields that I didn’t intend to change and naturally those fields will go missing from the post edit screen to.

    What can be done here to prevent this from happening?

  • Check the permissions of the acf-json folder. It sounds like ACF is able to create the json file for the field group but is not able to replace it with new changes, which is odd that it can save a file but not replace it.

  • Thanks for the input John.
    This isn’t a permissions issue unfortunately. I’ve ended up opening a support ticket for this and I am now waiting for further details as this seems to happen on most of my sites.

  • Most of your sites? I’ve never seen this, I’d be interested to know if support solves it and what the cause is.

  • I’m having this same issue. When I edit my fields, it will sometimes drop random fields or remove the input from certain pages. I’ve noticed that I wasn’t having any problems until after I added the acf-json folder to my theme.

    Is there anyway to not use the local json after you’ve added it? When I try to remove it, a lot of my fields break completely. For instance, the Post Object fields return empty arrays or false.

  • The most current version of all ACF field groups is stored in the DB. Deleting the acf-json folder on the server should remove it’s use and should not affect the operation of a site.

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