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Hi All –
I’ve created a custom taxonomy called “event_tag” and a color custom field called “term_color” that I’ve assigned to the taxonomy. However, I’m having trouble calling up the assigned color for each event_tag. In the database I can see that the information is being stored like this:
I then have another sub_field in a repeater field that allows the user to select from the terms in a multiple checkbox field to assign one or more to an actual event – which is called “pro_perf_time_tag”.
With everything I’ve read I should be able to pull up the color using something like this, but it isn’t working:
$date_tags = get_sub_field('pro_perf_time_tag');
if($date_tags) {
foreach($date_tags as $date_tag) {
$t_id = $date_tag->term_id;
$t_data = get_option("event_tag_$t_id");
echo $t_data['term_color'];
Any thoughts or pointers on how I should look at it next? Thanks and forgive my limited PHP knowledge.
Can I ask if you have read through the documentation for the repeater field, and have correctly used a has_sub_field loop?
Perhaps you could show all the loop code, that would help find the issue
Also, as this is the new support forum (currently in beta) I have a few questions for you if you don’t mind:
Elliot –
Here is the full section of code.
<?php if(get_field('pro_perf')) {
while(has_sub_field('pro_perf')) {
$date_id = 1;
echo '<p> ' . get_sub_field('pro_perf_date') . '<br /> ';
if(get_sub_field('pro_perf_time_repeat')) {
while(has_sub_field('pro_perf_time_repeat')) {
if($date_id <= 1 ) {
$date_tags = get_sub_field('pro_perf_time_tag');
if($date_tags) {
foreach($date_tags as $date_tag) {
$t_data = get_option("event_tag_$date_tag->term_id_term_color");
echo $t_data;
echo '<span class="tagbox" style="background:' . $color . ';">' . $date_tag->slug . '</span>';
echo '<a class="date" href="' . get_sub_field('pro_perf_time_link') . '">' . get_sub_field('pro_perf_time') . '</a>';
} else {
echo '<a class="date" href="' . get_sub_field('pro_perf_time_link') . '">' . get_sub_field('pro_perf_time') . '</a>';
} else {
$date_tags = get_sub_field('pro_perf_time_tag');
if($date_tags) {
foreach($datetags as $datetag) {
echo '<span class="tagbox"> ' . $date_tag->slug . ' </span>';
echo ' | <a class="date" href="' . get_sub_field('pro_perf_time_link') . '">' . get_sub_field('pro_perf_time') . '</a>';
} else {
echo ' | <a class="date" href="' . get_sub_field('pro_perf_time_link') . '">' . get_sub_field('pro_perf_time') . '</a>';
$date_id ++;
echo '</p>';
Also, to answer your other questions, in my rushed state to post, I did not see the code button as an option. I am also fairly new to forums like this and the truth is it was just laziness and frustration but in the future I will make sure to properly address those issues and be a better community member.
Thanks for the full code.
This is great to look at, however, can I ask you to very clearly describe the issue. You say the issue is getting the date tags data.
Is the issue using the get_sub_field like in the following code?
$date_tags = get_sub_field('pro_perf_time_tag');
Or is the issue looping through the $date_tags array and loading the data.
Can you please go through your ode line by line and debug the variables.
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