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  • LOL… are we telepathically in sync or so 🙂

    I just did that and wanted to ‘report’ that it does work when all capabilities are turned on… so will investigate further…

    Edit: I killed caps 1 by 1 until I got to manage_options which seems to be the trigger.

    I then looked throughout the entire template but I can’t find any indication where this would be set. I only have 5 functions which check if current_user_can and non indicate that it could be related.

    I might know a workaround, by adding the capability manage_options to this user role and then extend all if current_user_can('manage_options') queries with specific roles.

    The most important one being to redirect any user who has no business in the admin.

    It’s not ideal, I’m the first one to agree, but I don’t see any way right now… I don’t know where to look anymore.