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I added some fields in WordPress profile page with plugin ACF (Advanced Custom Fields), and a select with the same plugin with 3 options:
pj : PJ – Transportadora
pf : PF – Autônomo
mei : PJ – MEI
So when the user selects one of the three options, the code will hide the unwanted and display related to selected option. The code below works if placed in a simple HTML page, but when entering the WordPress nothing happens.
It is currently as below, simplified for test purposes. But each option should hide various fields.
function my_acf_admin_footer() {
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#acf-field-tipo_juridico").change(function () {
var val = $(this).val();
if (val === "pj") {
if (val === "pf") {
if (val === "mei") {
jQuery("h3:contains('PJ - Transportadora')").next(".form-table").hide();
add_action('acf/input/admin_head', 'my_acf_admin_footer');
My profile page
Relevant HTML
And this one is referring to the local test in simple HTML file
I do not know what else to do.
What is the problem? JQuery version? Conflict with something? It’s the way I load the script in functions.php ??
I appreciate any help if they know one best way to solve the problem will be grateful too.
The problem is that you’re targeting the id using the field name. ACF does not actually use the field name when displaying fields. Take a look at the source of the wp admin form. Instead is uses the field keys. You’re code should look something like:
unction my_acf_admin_footer() {
<script type="text/javascript">
// use field key here
$("#acf-field_566afb46d86cf").change(function () {
var val = $(this).val();
if (val === "pj") {
if (val === "pf") {
if (val === "mei") {
jQuery("h3:contains('PJ - Transportadora')").next(".form-table").hide();
add_action('acf/input/admin_head', 'my_acf_admin_footer');
From the option to export the plugin I get it :
‘key’ => ‘ field_5661c0962f955 ‘
So I used this field as ID , that way , but not resolved:
$("#field_5661c0962f955").change(function () {
And later this, without #
$("field_5661c0962f955").change(function () {
We need to change anything else?
Is should be
`$(“#acf-field_5661c0962f955”).change(function () {
$("acf-field_5661c0962f955").change(function () {
Thank you anyway. I’ll take a break and look for other ways to solve this problem without using ACF.
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