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  • If I understand what you’re looking for then something like this should do it.

      // not sure if you need this
      // if a template file then probably not
      global $post;
      // multidimensional array to hold stats
      $stats = array();
      $args = array(
        'post_type' => 'seasons', // not completely sure of post type
        'posts_per_page' => -1
      $season_query = new WP_Query($args);
      if ($season_query->have_posts()) {
        if (have_rows('stats_bloc_m')) {
          while(have_rows('stats_blog_m')) {
            $competition = get_sub_field('competition_m');
            if (!isset($stats[$competition])) {
              $stats[$competition] = 0;
            if (have_rows('competition_stats_m')) {
              while (have_rows('competition_stats_m')) {
                $stats[$competition] += get_sub_field('goals_m');
              } // end while have_rows('competition_stats_m')
            } // end if have_rows('competition_stats_m')
          } // end while have_rows('stats_blog_m')
        } // end if have_rows('stats_bloc_m')
      } // end if have posts
      if (count($stats)) {
        foreach ($stats as $competitions => $goals) {
            <p><?php echo $competition; ?><br />Goals: <?php echo $goals; ?></p>
        } // end foreach stats
      } // end if count stats