WordPress 4.2.3, ACF 4.4.2, Ultimate Posts Widget 2.0.4.
Trying to use these to great plugins together.
UPW allows the display of “custom fields.” But, when I enter a custom field for an image, set up and uploaded via ACF, it just shows a number, like 21 or 93.
Since ACF uses a different format for display the fields in a loop, I’m guessing I need to put something different in UPW than just the custom post name.
Any ideas? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
ACF only stores the ID of the attachment, so if you’re accessing the meta_key directly that’s all you’ll get.
I did a quick look at the information on this plugin and there’s no information on how to display images other than the featured post image using this plugin.
If you can find out if this plugin will display other images in custom fields and what information needs to be stored in the postmeta table you can create an acf/save_post action to create the field it needs.
Thank you, John! I’ll see what I can find out from the creators of that plugin.