I am having a problem with making a custom column sortable.
This is OK:
– Added i new field to existing CPT
– Added custom column to CPT posts page
– Made colun sortable
This is the problem:
When i sort by the ACF field the result displayed is only the posts that have been saved/updated after i have added the field.
How can i fix this?
I am running version (several critical installs and upgrade is on the list…)
This is my code
// Make column E-mail reminders sortable
function sba_sortable_columns( $columns ) {
$columns['email_reminder'] = 'email_reminder';
//To make a column 'un-sortable' remove it from the array
return $columns;
add_filter( 'manage_edit-sba_control_sortable_columns', 'sba_sortable_columns' );
//Tell WP how to sort 'email_reminder'
// This dosent work as expected because the meta field dosent exist
//before a post is updated so when sorting the column 'email_reminder' only the
//updated + new posts is dispalyed!
//Send support ticket to ACF alternative is to bulk update all controls manually.
function email_reminder_orderby( $query ) {
if( ! is_admin() )
$orderby = $query->get( 'orderby');
if( 'email_reminder' == $orderby ) {
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'email_reminder_orderby' );
Hi @torbjorn_s
Your query is filtering the posts to those that have a value for the control_reminders_enabled meta_key.
If your posts does not yet have a value for this, then your query will not work.
Perhaps you need to also add in the ability to treat posts without a value as a value of 0
I’m not 100% sure how to do this, but chances are someone on stackexcahnge / google has already written / shared the code.
Good luck
Does anybody in this forum have any tips on how i can treat posts without a value as 0?