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Show Custom Fields in Post Object Dropdown

  • I have an Event custom post type where the same dozen or so post titles are used each year. I also have a Photo Gallery custom post type, and I want to associate Photo Galleries with Events, so I’ve got a post object field on the Photo Galleries edit page.

    The trouble is that I can’t tell two or three posts from different years apart because they have the same title. Is there a way to show a custom field value (the ‘event_date’ for the post) next to the title in the Select2 dropdown?

  • Hi @matthewmcvickar

    Thanks for the post.

    To do this, you will need to hook into the acf/fields/post_object/result filter and modify the text displayed for each option in the post object field.

    This is explained further here:

    I hope this info helps.

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