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ACF Blocks broken in WordPress 6.7-beta2?

  • I have a couple of sites running WordPress 6.7-beta2, and I’m having trouble inserting ACF Blocks in the Block Editor. I just get an endless spinner.

    If I just save the post while it’s spinning, then refresh the window, the block is usually there, but editing it is still hit-or-miss. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

    Reverting to WordPress 6.6.2 resolves the issue.

    Has anyone else observed this? Any suggestions?

  • So… am I the only person (including ACF devs themselves) who is using ACF Blocks? I can’t believe that not only is this not fixed but no one else has encountered the issue. If anything, it seems worse now than when I first posted about it.

  • I should’ve just opened a support ticket in the first place! Got a quick response from the ACF team this morning that the issue is because I have WP_DEBUG and SCRIPT_DEBUG turned on, since I’m running this on a dev site. Turning those off should resolve the issue, and apparently the ACF team does have a fix for this issue ready to go prior to the official WP 6.7 release.

  • If ACF Blocks are broken in WordPress 6.7-beta2, it could be due to compatibility issues with the beta version. Ensure you’re using the latest version of Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), as updates often address compatibility with newer WordPress releases. If the issue persists, check the official ACF GitHub repository or support forums for known bugs or temporary workarounds. As WordPress beta versions are still in development, consider testing in a staging environment and reporting the issue to the WordPress and ACF teams to help improve compatibility before the final release.

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