I am new to ACF and not very experienced with PHP so please bear with me!
The plugin is great and I’m sure my issues are mostly operator error. 🙂 I am using it in a custom post-type on a Genesis child theme.
I am using the Wysiwyg addon for a custom field. Unfortunately, it is not outputting linebreaks (or paragraphs). It does output other html like unordered lists and links.
Do you have any suggestions for me to try?
i had the same problem … only on the wysiwyg field like you… i change get_post_custom(); by get_field() and now it’s ok …
Thank you for that idea. I don’t know how or whether to implement it. Here is my code:
add_action('genesis_before_sidebar_widget_area', 'sidebar_custom_field');
function sidebar_custom_field() {
if ( is_single() && genesis_get_custom_field('sidebar_custom_field') )
echo '<div class="widget">'. genesis_get_custom_field('sidebar_custom_field') .'</div>';