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Custom Field as a merge field

  • I am wanting to create a custom admin page [Admennify] that has custom fields on it that my client can fill with requested data and then I can use that data around the site as a merge field of sort….basically access the input data dynamically around the site. I know how to access ACF data inside of Elementor [that I’m using] but where I’m unsure is do I create a custom post type or what to give the back-end user a place to store said data. Thoughts? Would an ACF Options page be the right kind of thinking here?

  • I have no idea what Admmenify is or if ACF can be used with it.

    I would do this with an options page. Options page values can be accessed from php template files. Whether or not you can access them would depend on what/how your building a site.

  • WPAdminify is just a backend admin builder. What’s most important is that I am not a coder and am using Elementor to access ACF data. I just want to know how to create an admin page with ACF fields on it that can be accessed via Elementor’s ACF database links. Basically, how would I create one page that the user can input ACF data to be accessed/pulled from via Elementor other places on site?

  • Without code you will be limited to simple text based fields and using the acf shortcode to use options page values.

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