

Home Forums Backend Issues (wp-admin) ACF PRO is slowing my Website's by over 16 Seconds


ACF PRO is slowing my Website's by over 16 Seconds

  • ACF PRO slows down all of my websites on which I use it.
    When this plugin is enabled, the page loads (as a logged in user) in over 16 seconds.
    When the plugin is disabled, everything loads normally.
    3 different sites, 3 different servers, everywhere the same problem.
    This problem occurs only in the backend and for logged in users. The respsone time is always about 16 seconds. Accordingly, I always have 16 seconds minimum loading time, this circumstance makes it impossible to work properly.

    I cant disable the Plugin, since we are using it to display Data.
    The Frontend Speed is fine! We are using ACF with Elementor. I never had Performance Issues. Even Websites with very little Content having Issues

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