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Plugin for adding Options Pages

  • This weekend I finished building a plugin that allows me to easily add Options Pages without the need to do any PHP coding. It uses a custom post type and ACF to let you do the adding.

    Don’t know if anyone would have any interest in it, but I’m not sure where I can put it. Don’t want to put it in the WP repository since it requires the Options Page addon.

  • (don’t know what’s the best way to distribute your plugin, but I can assure you a lot of people would find it interesting)

  • I’ve put it up on GitHub

    It’s really a pretty simple plugin, but for those that don’t want to muck around in code, or don’t know how…

  • I’m thinking it was ok for me to do this because I do not include the Options Page addon. This plugin requires you to already have that, it simply won’t work if you don’t have it installed.

    Let me know if I’m wrong though.

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